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Unison Church

What is Unison Church...

Unison Church is the reason that Unison Co. exists in the first place. The idea began as a way to merge two passions and grew from there. The first passion was for music and it became Unison Studios. The second passion was for the church and its ministry. Unison Church is a church plant in progress. Through the physical location and distinct service times don't exist yet, Unison Church is beginning as an online initiative to call the church to be united to one another, and even more so, to be united to Christ. It's time to throw away the pretense of religion, and the ritualistic dogmas that have dominated the American idea of Christianity for decades. Instead it's time to commit to following Jesus with every part of our life. It's time to unite together to worship His name with one voice.  

United by our allegiance to Christ, we come together to worship with one voice!

Get involved with Unison Church's ministry now by checking out the Unison Church Podcast, Blog and Youtube Channel. Find the links to connect here:

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